Staying Healthy During a Separation or Divorce
By Renee LaPoint-The Mediation Center
Staying healthy while going through the process of divorce or separation is critical to you and your families moving forward in a positive manner. Being healthy involves good decision for you physically and emotionally.
Even in a mediation process for divorce, there are many decisions that need to be made and life transitions that are happening for you, your spouse and your family. Change is not easy, so stacking the deck with healthy habits can help with the daily stressors.
Here are some ways to get or stay healthy during this period of flux:
1) Exercise – pick an activity you like to do; walking, biking, swimming, hiking, etc.
2) Eat well
3) Sleep – Aim for 8 hours
4) Support systems – family, friends, co-workers, helping professionals; surround yourself with people who have a positive impact on you
5) Stay involved – keep up with our hobbies or interests; or find new ones to keep busy. This may be a chance to get involved with new activities that you have wanted to try.
6) Be informed – get the information you need to make good, informed decisions for your future
7) Focus on your future
Mediation is a wonderful option for couples separating or divorcing, but no matter what process option you select for your separation or divorce, there will be stressors. Finding ways to minimize those stressors will help you through this difficult life change.