Proper Courtroom Etiquette

It should always be the goal of attorneys and parties in a domestic matter to resolve things outside of the courtroom; however, when efforts to negotiate fail or where one party needs to seek some form of emergency relief, it may be necessary to access the judicial system in order to get the matter resolved.  The…

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The Mathematics of Divorce: 6 Steps to a Strong Financial Future After the Divorce is Finalized

Unfortunately, the dynamics of divorcing means one household will soon become two. Depending on your current lifestyle, this can stretch a budget to its breaking point. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to prepare yourself for living on one income. These steps can be tedious and definitely are not fun, but they make…

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When Going Through a Divorce Focus on the Long Run Decisions

When going through a divorce case it is extremely easy to get wrapped up in the conflict with your spouse, and engage in every little skirmish.  Throughout the case you will have to constantly weigh how important issues are to you, and whether you want litigate or mediate those issues.  These fights can be extremely costly…

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