Why Do You Receive Value from a Divorce Attorney?
Today there are a lot of videos online showing “how to” do something: make a cake, fix a broken water pipe, play poker. Sometimes after watching the video you can perform the task, sometimes not.
More and more we hear the question from potential clients and acquaintances: Why do I need a divorce attorney? What value can they give to me that I can’t get off of the internet? It is a good question. If you and your spouse both understand all your assets, their value, your retirement accounts, insurance, income, debts, age appropriate parenting plans, child support calculations, spousal support and taxes associated with divorce and you are both in agreement about all of these issues, you may not need a divorce attorney.
But did you know?
•You have a choice about the process you select for your divorce-not all divorces are done in court.
•There are child support guidelines that must be followed.
•The best visitation schedule for a 2 year old and a 10 year old may be different.
•Retirement from employment or 401k funds may be the most valuable.
•If you do not divide a retirement plan correctly, you may have to pay taxes and penalties.
•There are certain rules for divorcing spouses filing tax returns.
•There could be taxes owed when dividing a residence if certain conditions are not met.
•Without the correct language you may be responsible for debts even if you did not know about them.
•There are certain tax rules that apply to alimony.
•A business may have value.
The value that a qualified experienced divorce attorney can provide to you is that all of your issues are addressed and dealt with, that you receive an equitable settlement, the documents are done correctly, and the rules are followed. By providing you the options for the best choice of the process for your family, your divorce can be smoother and more efficient and allow you to know that you covered everything.